Being without legal defense coverage is like having a classic car or a home with no insurance. You would not own either without insurance and you should never go on duty or work an extra job without the FOP legal plan coverage. Everyday you are on duty their is a chance of anything happening which could result in disciplanary action, civil lawsuit, or being charged for an offense. Retaining an attorney starts in the thousands and goes up. Below is some of the key elements of the plan but all of the elements/benefits of the plan can be found at

Overview of the FOP Legal Defense Plan:

  1. A self-funded Legal Defense Plan available only to FOP members
  2. Owned and operated by the Fraternal Order of Police Legal Plan,Inc.
  3. Broad legal defense coverage
  4. Pays all reasonable and necessary attorney fees when using a Plan attorney for on-duty claims
  5. Pays up to $5,000.00 for administrative off-duty claims

Key advantages of the plan:

  1. Covers you on criminal, civil, and administrative matters.
  2. Salary reimbursement option. In lieu of legal representation you can file a claim and receive up to 3 days pay(maximum $500.00) once a year for an offense of suspension without pay.
  3. Can also purchase moonlighting liability that gives added protection to the Officer working and also protects the business.

How to join:

Go to 

Complete the form and submit with payment. If not already a FOP member then you will put "pending" for member number and "010" for lodge number. You must submit your paperwork to join the lodge at the same time so that we can process your membership paperwork ASAP. 


              Click Here for a short video from the Georgia FOP and Blue line Lawyer.